Understand the subdivision technology of stepper motors for sale 

 21/10/2022| View:36
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Understand the subdivision technology of stepper motors for sale 

The stepper motors for sale are a kind of structure that converts electric pulse into angular displacement. When a pulse signal is received by the stepper driver, it drives the stepper motors for sale to rotate a fixed angle (stepper angle) in a set direction. Because of this, we can control the number of pulses sent out by the microcontroller, controller, etc., to control the angular displacement, thus achieving the goal of accurate positioning; Of course, the speed and acceleration of the stepper motors for sale can also be controlled by controlling the pulse frequency, so as to achieve the goal of speed regulation.

stepper motors

The precision of the stepper motors for sale is determined by the phase number of the motor and the subdivision of the driver. But because subdivision technology belongs to the current cascade control, there is not only limit to improving the accuracy, and in the high subdivision, often only resolution and no accuracy.

The subdivision technology of the stepper motors for sale is essentially a kind of electronic damping technology whose main aim is to reduce or eliminate the low-frequency vibration of the stepping motor. When working, the encoder installed on the motor shaft is used to provide feedback on the current command output signal in real time.