Cleaning method of high precision brushless motor commutator

 27/03/2021| View:190
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Cleaning method of high precision brushless motor commutator

The commutator is a key component of high precision brushless motor. It should be maintained and inspected once a week. Check and clean according to the following requirements:

1. Open the observation hole cover at the commutator end of the high precision brushless motor to observe the surface condition of the commutator. Generally, the surface of the normal commutator is a uniform and shiny film on the track of the brush. The color of the film can be light brown, slightly dark brown, or even dark brown, as long as the commutator works No uneven wear on the surface is considered normal.

2. Frequently use compressed air to remove the toner on the surface of the commutator. If there is oil or slight blackening marks on the surface of the commutator, wipe it off with a white cloth dipped in alcohol.

Cleaning method of high precision brushless motor,how to clean a brushless motor

3. If there are obvious burn marks on the surface of the commutator and it is invalid to wipe with a cloth, you can use 00# glass emery cloth to close the surface of the commutator for grinding, and pay attention to the grinding time not to be too long. After polishing, remove the air outlet cover of the transmission end, extend the high-pressure air pipe from the observation hole of the commutator end into the motor, and then clean the surface of the commutator with about 0.6MPa compressed air.

If you have further questions about how to clean a brushless motor, feel free to contact us.